Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Bilderberg Front Page News on Major Swiss Newspaper, June 7 2011

Major Swiss Newspaper Gives Bilderberg Front Page Coverage 040610bb4
Typical powderpuff piece is easily debunked with facts about secretive elite group

Steve WatsonPrisonplanet.com
An influential Swiss daily newspaper has today awarded front page coverage to stories on this week’s secretive elite Bilderberg meeting.

The German-language daily Basler Zeitung has published a report (translation) on the meeting, which begins this Thursday at Silvretta House, a luxury hotel in St. Moritz, a mountain town in Switzerland.

As is usually the case with the mainstream media, however, the piece attempts to play down Bilderberg as merely a high powered talking shop, with no real influence on the world stage.

The piece states that anyone who suggests Bilderberg is manipulating events for their own nefarious ends is searching for “a sense of security” in a chaotic world.

The piece makes the argument that the banking elite never saw the financial collapse coming, thus proving that they could not possibly be secretly pulling any strings behind the curtain.

It concludes by suggesting that it is “inappropriate” and even “dangerous” to suggest that there is any form of conspiracy behind the Bilderberg group.

“…therein lies the real purpose of such meetings: It’s not about the secret government to deny the world, but about the mutual exchange is happening out there as to understand better.” the piece states.

It reads as if it had been written by the Bilderberg’s propaganda arm itself.

Merely on the face of it the claim that Bilderberg does not have an influence on policy is patently ridiculous. This would be akin to claiming that a four-day gathering of 200 MLB officials would have no impact on the future of baseball. Despite the fact that many politicians shunned Bilderberg last year because of the group’s increasing notoriety as a furtive and insidious front for anti-democratic elitists, just take a look at the list of powerful individuals who did attend.

Top CEO’s like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Eric Schmidt of Google, top bankers like Marcus Agius of Barclays and Peter Sutherland of Goldman Sachs, don’t meet with national Presidents, Prime Ministers, big newspaper owners, members of the European Parliament and officials in the U.S. government to talk about tiddlywinks. They don’t get together for four days and surround themselves with a security ring of steel to discuss the weather or American Idol – they’re at Bilderberg to come to a consensus and then to implement it in their respective spheres of influence.

Indeed, this very  fact was confirmed last year by former NATO Secretary-General and Bilderberg member Willy Claes, who noted that after the meeting a summary report is compiled and “The participants are then obviously considered to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they affect.”

In reality, Bilderberg sets the global consensus for the agenda that is subsequently implemented in the host countries of the Bilderberg members, a process that holds even more power than signing an individual treaty. Bilderberg sets the consensus for a whole gamut of policy areas, from oil, to the environment, to wars, to the economy.

This is manifestly evident in the policies that have later come to pass after being formulated at Bilderberg.
Furthermore, we have highlighted how Bilderberg is active in choosing presidents and their running mates, prime ministers, and leaders of the European Union. We have also highlighted how Bilderberg was a key initiator of the single European currency, which was only fully adopted 8 years ago.

The idea that Bilderberg and the global elite had no inkling that the financial collapse of 2008 was imminent can be easily debunked with reference to the fact that information leaked from the 2006 Bilderberg meeting in Ottawa, Canada, suggested the group knew exactly what lay ahead, specifically the formation of a bubble in the housing market that was destined to burst big time.

Veteran Bilderberg reporter Jim Tucker reported on June 19, 2006, that “Bilderberg expects interest rates to rise and many Americans to lose their homes in the months ahead.”
Timothy Geithner, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, predicted rising interest rates and difficulties for families that have obtained adjustable rate mortgages, or “variable” interest rates. Many are likely to lose their homes as rising home mortgage rates add hundreds of dollars to their monthly payments, he said. While most listened solemnly and some expressed concern, one was heard to say, “stupid Americans deserve their fate.”
We were able to predict the economic collapse with precision, simply by repeating what the elite were saying behind closed doors.

The downturn was followed, of course, by a prolonged and ongoing faux solution of predatory globalism and a rewriting of the financial international order.

In 2009, inside information leaked from the Bilderberg meeting in Greece, revealed that the elite were intent on fostering a false picture of economic recovery, suckering investors into ploughing their money back into the stock market again, knowing full well that a second downturn lay ahead.

This is EXACTLY what is happening right now as we begin to enter a double dip recession.

Bilderberg was of course founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a virulent Nazi.

While any right minded person would find it “inappropriate” and “dangerous” that former Nazis are meeting in secret with heads of state, leading politicians and CEOs of major global corporations on a yearly basis, the Swiss newspaper Basler Zeitung seems to think the opposite is true and that to even make these suggestions is where the real danger lies.

In a separate article, the Swiss newspaper today confirms that Doris Leuthard, one of Switzerland’s highest ranking politicians will attend this weekend’s meeting. Leuthard is a Federal Councillor, one of seven members of the executive council which constitutes the federal government of Switzerland and serves as the Swiss collective head of state.

The report notes that Swiss President Micheline Calmy-Rey will “remain far from the secret meeting”.

The Infowars team will be providing exclusive and extensive REAL coverage of the Bilderberg meeting this weekend and important information from our reporters on the ground in Switzerland.

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