Thursday, June 9, 2011

Europe Marches on Bilderberg Tyrants, June 9 2011

On Saturday, June 11, activists from across Europe will converge on St. Moritz, Switzerland, and take an urgent message to the globalists now meeting behind closed doors to plot our collective futures – we stand united in our opposition to your plan to drive humanity into slavery by wrecking national economies, undermining national sovereignty, and striving to implement through the IMF a one-world currency and an authoritarian world government with a high-tech police state to enforce its mandates formulated in secret.
From the YouTube post of the above video:

6-11-11 St. Moritz, Switzerland, High NOON. Peaceful Protest to the let the global power brokers know that the world is aware of their crimes against humanity.…

As the 2011 Bilderberg meeting kicks off in St. Moritz Switzerland, syndicated radio host Alex Jones is calling on all activists worldwide to descend on the site of the secretive confab and stage a massive protest against the criminal elite that have wrecked the global economy, plunged the United States into another unaffordable war in Libya and are now scheming to start yet another war and hike oil prices to levels where Americans will be paying $7 dollars a gallon for gas.

As the Bilderberg group operates behind closed doors and under Chatham House rules, it attracts very little mainstream media attention, despite the fact that hundreds of the worlds most important CEOs, banking elites, politicians and influential media figures annually attend to discuss policy.

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