Monday, June 6, 2011

Ron Paul Raises 1.1 Million Sunday, June 6 2011
Ron Paul Raises $1.1 Million In Sunday Money Bomb romney

Supporters of Congressman Ron Paul raised over $1.1 million and counting yesterday  in a 2012 presidential campaign “money bomb”.

The fundraising effort was themed as “The Revolution vs Romneycare”, in a move to highlight the fact that establishment GOP rival Mit Romney recently received a $10 million windfall from his “bailed-out banker buddies on Wall Street”, as Ron Paul referred to them.

In an email to his supporters the Libertarian Congressman wrote:
“Establishment candidates are revving up their campaigns and trying to blow the field away with massive fundraising totals,” the email stated. “These influence peddlers want to install a different conductor on the Big Government gravy train.”

“His liberal record – RomneyCare and his ever-shifting positions – leaves the media-anointed frontrunner with political liabilities.” the Congressman stated, urging the freedom movement to take advantage.

The Congressman’s previous money bomb in February for his political action committee raised around $700,000.

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