Thursday, June 9, 2011

US Drone Rockets Contain Toxic Agents, June 8 2011

Press TV
Pakistani medical sources say missiles fired by US drones in attacks against Pakistani targets are contaminated with deadly chemical substances, a report says.

Amid growing tensions between the United States and Pakistan over the US aerial attacks on Pakistani soil, doctors in the capital of Islamabad and the northwestern city of Peshawar say that following medical examinations of the patients wounded in the non-UN-sanctioned US drone strikes, the physicians observed traces of chemical contaminations among the injured individuals, Fars news agency reported.

They say the injured people are suffering from several skin, eye and respiratory complications that reveal the explosives were seriously toxic.

According to a report by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, some 957 Pakistani individuals fell victim to US drone strikes during 2010.

The United States frequently carries out such attacks against Pakistan’s tribal areas.

The aerial attacks, initiated by former Republican US President George W. Bush, have escalated under Democratic President Barack Obama, who had promised major changes in American military policies.

The United States claims that the air raids target Pakistani militants, but Pakistani officials say many civilians are also killed in the attacks.

Islamabad has often censured the United States over the drone attacks, saying that they violate its sovereignty.

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